Friday, January 2, 2009


Hypertension refers to a state where a person’s blood pressure remains at an elevated level at all times. This condition is formally known as arterial hypertension and is popularly called high blood pressure.
Two types of hypertension:
Primary Hypertension - when a patient’s chronically elevated blood pressure does not have a specific medical cause that can be identified
Secondary Hypertension - When high blood pressure is caused by other health conditions like tumors of the adrenal gland, kidney disease of other problems.
Hypertension is a dangerous condition because it can lead to serious complications. Chronically elevated blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart failure, heart attacks, arterial aneurysm and strokes. Many cases of chronic renal failure have been linked to high blood pressure.
Signs and Symptoms:
Undiagnosed high blood pressure can lead to many physical problems including damage to major organs over a period of time. The symptoms of hypertension, if ignored, can lead to deterioration in kidney / liver function and cardiac problems. Hypertension can also damage vision, cause strokes and more.
Here are some of the common hypertension symptoms to be aware of.
Recurrent / persistent headaches
Vision problems including blurring of vision
Tremors in the hands or other body parts
Walking difficulties (formally called ataxia)